what we do


We work closely with farmers who see hemp as an opportunity to grow a highly nutritious food source, without using the chemicals required for other crops. Through innovative processing techniques, we turn these amazing seeds into a range of food products.





If you’re interested in bulk wholesale, please get in contact. 



who we serve


We provide wholesale and private label services to leading manufacturers and retailers within the food industry.



contract processing


We work with a number of producers to provide contract grain processing services to value add whole hemp seed into a range of food products. If you would like to know more information about our contract processing services, please get in contact. 


farmer contracts



If you’re interested in producing industrial hemp, we can provide assistance in obtaining licences, seeds for sowing, and agronomic advice to maximise yields.

With the right land management practices, agriculture can transition from a major contributor to climate change, into a powerful tool in our fight to bring global emissions below zero. We want to utilise the favourable agronomic properties of hemp – disease, pest, and weed resistance – as a means to assist farmers safeguard their farms for the long term, by improving soils quality and transitioning from conventional to regenerative, organic practices.

If you would like to know more information, please get in contact.